Common problems and solutions in transfer:
1, the pad material (cotton, sponge, cardboard, etc.) under the plate heat transfer machine of the thermal transfer paper will cause too much water vapor during the transfer process after absorbing the ink moisture, resulting in the color of the pattern on the transferred cloth becoming lighter or local aerosol or water pattern interference, so the regular hot pressing before and during the transfer process. The moisture on the cotton liner can be evaporated to improve the situation, and the dry liner material should be replaced in time if conditions permit.
2, the printed pattern and the cloth to be transferred should not be damp as far as possible, otherwise in the transfer process, especially the roller press is easy to make the paper soft and wrinkled, and the transfer will appear stripes on the cloth. Moreover, the transfer rate will be low, the pattern color is not bright, and the edge line of the pattern outline will be opened when it is serious. The color contrast between dry transfer and damp transfer cloth will have a color difference, and the more severe the moisture, the more serious the situation.
Due to the above factors, the printed paper (to be transferred) and cloth should be placed in a dry room, and the humidity should be controlled below 60%.
3, the transfer paper under the plate press transfer, sometimes produce double, the reason is: the transfer paper in the heat transfer is relatively flat, under the press heat will not bend immediately, paper and cloth can be flat. When the hot press plate is lifted in the heat transfer, the paper will be adsorbed with the fabric on the upper press plate and then float down. At this time, the high temperature transfer paper falls to the cloth and will produce a shift secondary transfer, forming a very light color ghost.